Renae Elliott Wellness Coaching

My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being, and self-love.

We will work to transform your mindset and build healthy habits, which will lead to sustainable results and a life you love! If you’ve struggled with limiting beliefs that have been holding you back – I’m here to tell you that change is possible, and IT CAN BE TODAY!


Renae Elliott is passionate about helping women achieve more confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth through performance-focused health and wellness coaching.

“My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being and self-love. If you feel stuck, unhappy with your body or unmotivated in your wellness journey, allow me to assist you in creating powerful and lasting change in your life.”

Do you answer YES to any of these?

Do you feel as though you have tried everything from fad diets, and fasting to cutting calories - and still not seeing any results?

Do you feel like you don't have the time to do what it takes to lose weight?

Do you feel as though you are stuck in a yo-yo dieting cycle where you are always falling back into old habits?

Find it hard to juggle all of life’s demands with work, kids, and family.

If you answered YES to any of the above and feel like you have tried everything and can’t see any results.

I get it. Because I have been there to You are who I help.

After Finding myself under a lot of life stress, weight fluctuations - I found myself in a hole where no matter what I didn't seem to work/ After visiting doctors and naturopaths, I was told everything was in normal range yet I knew there was something not right. I was told exhausted even though I had slept 8 hours. My weight was increasing even though I was exercising and eating well. I wasn't being the present mum I wanted to be for my kids. I knew there was more to it - so I had to look deeper and really discover what was going on.

Over 3 years of that and errors, doctors specialists and psychologists. I have been able to put everything I've learnt into a program to help women just like me. And it's working - for hundred of women.

There is not a one size fits all program that you can just follow. We need to dig deeper, discover more about ourselves. The who's, the why's and start looking at creating sustainable habits.



01. Start Your Journey

Mind Over Muscle

Dig deeper and really discover why you are on this constant yo-yo cycle

Get rid of guilt and thinking in order to lose weight you need to restrict food and over-exercise. Find peace and understanding with your body. Realise you are not the problem

This program suits busy women who have tried it all and want to lose weight and keep it off forever.

It gives you a headstart before any weight loss journey while setting you up for long-term sustainable success.

02. Ongoing Support

Renae Elliott Tribe

Want to continue your journey now you've completed the Mind Over Muscle Program?

Here you will learn how to create lifelong habits without guilt and feel confident in your body

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or dissatisfied with different areas of your life?

It's time to take control and restore harmony! Grab our exclusive "Balance Wheel Guide," a comprehensive resource designed to help you assess if your life is out of balance. Don't let imbalance hold you back from reaching your true potential! Take charge today


Fitness Trainer

Podcast Host

Mindset Coach

Pre-Post Pregnancy Trainer

Nutrition Coach

Certificate III & IV in Fitness

Fitness Trainer • Podcast Host • Mindset Coach • Pre-Post Pregnancy Trainer • Nutrition Coach • Certificate III & IV in Fitness •


Empowering Women’s Mindset and Confidence

Let’s Explore the importance of self-care rituals, from nourishing nutrition and joyful movement to mind

ITZINU podcast is dedicated to exploring the art of self-care, body positivity, and embracing our unique physical selves. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey, unraveling the secrets to cultivating a deep sense of love and appreciation for the incredible vessel that carries us through life - our bodies.